As a provider of age-restricted goods, you are obliged to introduce more secure age verification systems that go beyond simple confirmation in checkboxes or the manual entry of a date of birth. Our web-based digital age verification tool PXL Age modernises your e-commerce platforms or POS
and ensures fast and reliable age verification.
PXL Age - Real-time digital age verification
Verify the age of your customers in seconds.
Offer your customers a simple age check with PXL Age
Verify the age of your customers in few seconds, anywhere, anytime, without compromising security. AI-based real-time verification makes it all possible.
No app downloads required, PXL Age only checks the user's age and is very easy to use. Enable fast and smooth checkout that minimises user churn without compromising security.
Stay compliant with regulations and protect minors by preventing access to age-restricted goods. Safeguard your business reputation with PXL Age.
A standalone tool specifically for digital age verification
PXL Age is designed for age verification only. The cloud-based technology is ready to use out of the box. It comes with pre-configured standard features to help you achieve the ultimate conversion. Users simply scan their ID document with a smartphone and the age check is done.
PXL Age extracts the data and performs a real-time age check in the back-end. It can automatically recognise a wide range of ID documents from over 165 countries.
Age verification in few seconds - how it works
Add PXL Age to your platform quickly
PXL Age can be integrated into any online platform quickly via a simple and easy-to-integrate API.
Our clients Manor, Feldschlösschen and Just Drink have implemented PXL Age in their Swiss online store,
where PXL Age prevents buyers under the age of 16 or 18
from illegally purchasing alcoholic beverages.
Everything you need to know about PXL Age
PXL Age as a solution for numerous business processes
Selling alcohol online
Offer age verification for secure online and in-store alcohol sales.
Selling cannabis, tobacco,
e-cigarettes and vapes online
Verify age and identity before selling
controlled substances.
Selling weaponry online
Ensure your customers are of age and do not cause legal problems for your business.
Video gaming and streaming
Online adult entertainment
Ensure that only participants and viewers of legal age have access to your adult entertainment platform.
Online dating platforms
Prevent access by minors and offer your customers a safe online dating environment