Whether you need age verification for e-commerce or restricted content, client onboarding for financial services or the insurance industry, PXL Vision's end-to-end process offers ready-made configurations for specialized KYC use cases. 

Benefit from our comprehensive capabilities today and protect your business against economic crime.

Security and Trust instead of Fraud

In the digital world, it is easy to create anonymity and false identities. With each new customer, companies run the risk of entering into a potentially dangerous situation if the customer turns out to be deceptive and criminal. Identity fraud, money laundering, and terrorist financing are the enemies of the ever-growing digitalization.


Know Your Customer

Know Your Customer (KYC) is a set of identification procedures to guide and assist you in verifying the identities of new and existing customers. As part of Due Diligence, KYC serves to prevent criminal activity.

People don’t always turn out to be who they claim to be. In order to check the legitimacy of new customers and ensure the security of existing customers, KYC must be fully integrated into every company.


Liability Risks for Non-compliance

For many industries, KYC is already a legal requirement. These guidelines provide the framework for identity verification and must be strictly adhered to.


The legal basis for these guidelines includes

  • Article 8 of 3. EU Money Laundering Directive;
  • 4. EU Money Laundering Directive;
  • 5. EU Directive in combination with eIDAS;
  • 6. EU Money Laundering Directive;
  • The German Money Laundering Act (GwG) of 2008;
  • UK Bribery Act;
  • UK Modern Slavery Act;
  • Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Anti-corruption regulations demand the appropriate verification and monitoring of business partners. If KYC guidelines are violated, consequences include fines, imprisonment of senior staff, damage to the company's reputation, and in especially severe cases, even the revocation of a business license.

If your company fell victim to money laundering and identity fraud, this would significantly impact the trust of existing customers. Serious consequences could lead to unsustainable losses for your company.

Safeguard your Company against Fraud

Complete a reliable check of your customers with PXL Vision's identity verification solutions. The Automated ID Verification process is a sustainable and secure KYC solution with many benefits that also protects your company and customers against fraud.

Legal Compliance

The requirements for KYC processes vary based on the industry and may be updated on a regular basis. PXL Vision's Automated ID Verification procedures are continually adapted to the most recent KYC guidelines to ensure and enable reliable fraud prevention.

Simple and Fast – Anytime and Anywhere

Regardless of location or time zone, you can verify identities without restrictions in under 30 seconds, cutting down the entire KYC process to just a few minutes.

High Customizability

We offer configurations uniquely tailored to your specific business needs.

Standardized APIs can easily be integrated into existing IT systems and business workflows.

Benefit from our platform-independent solution, which can be effortlessly implemented within a few days.

Top Security for Customer Data

If customers entrust their personal data to your company, it must always be stored and managed securely. Our KYC solution is a great platform to transfer customer data simply and securely. 

Enhance your customers' trust by keeping their data safe, and benefit from improved quality, seamless transfer, and easy management of this sensitive information.

One Solution – Many Applications

Our KYC solution features a broad spectrum of use cases:

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User Registration
text/ e-mail verification
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Identity Verification
document checks
face verification
liveness detection
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Proof of Identity
address validation
PEP/sanctions list review
document scan
manual check
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Digital Signing

electronic signature

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Downstream Customer Workflow

Choose PXL Vision for your trusted KYC solution and protect your company against money laundering, identity fraud, and other forms of financial crime.